Positive Behaviour for Learning

All students and staff have the right to learn and work in a safe and supportive environment.

Positive behaviours for learning is a whole-school approach to behaviour management that focuses on promoting appropriate student behaviours and creating positive school environments. It establishes positive expectations and allows all members of our school community to collectively support the wellbeing of every student.

In agreement with the school’s Positive Behaviours for Learning Policy, we have implemented a range of systems that promote early behaviour intervention. These focus on preventing problem behaviours and creating an environment that supports student learning and wellbeing.

Our school community developed a set of agreed expectations for all students who attend our school. These expectations promote the importance of respectful relationships and positive conditions for learning (physical environment and routines). All staff teach and model the behaviours expected with their classes. Students and teachers discuss these expectations regularly, determining what each one looks like at an individual, class and school level.

Our whole school expectations are:

  • be on time, prepared and wearing correct school uniform
  • put my phone and my hat in my bag and put my bag on the rack
  • communicate and interact politely with others
  • actively listen
  • respect the classroom environment and other people’s property
  • follow all reasonable instructions promptly
  • engage in my learning.

Please refer to the CBHS Positive Behaviours for Learning Policy for more information.

Positive Behaviours for Learning Policy